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Signature Style Double Layer Name Necklace
Signature Style Double Layer Name Necklace
Signature Style Double Layer Name Necklace
Signature Style Double Layer Name Necklace
Signature Style Double Layer Name Necklace
Signature Style Double Layer Name Necklace
Signature Style Double Layer Name Necklace
Signature Style Double Layer Name Necklace
Signature Style Double Layer Name Necklace
Signature Style Double Layer Name Necklace

Signature Style Double Layer Name Necklace

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Create a custom-made piece of jewellery to wear with our double-layer name necklace. It features a modern and stylish font, making it perfect for the new Mrs, the Bride-to-Be, or a teacher or counsellor. Of course, this can be worn by anyone.

You can choose the colour of your text, background, and chain colour to create a custom set that matches your favourite outfit.

Your name will be created using a modern script font in your coloured perspex.

The necklace is carefully packed in a branded gift box (colours will vary), making it ready for gifting.


made from:

Every name is hand drawn and laser cut from 3mm acrylic. It is then hand-assembled on a 18" silver or gold-plated chain. Store it in the gift box provided to avoid knocks and ensure your product is kept damage-free.


Single Word or Name size depends on the length of the name; however, the first capital letter will be 2cm tall. The thickness of the nameplate is 0.6cm

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